Monday, August 6, 2018

Introduction to Human Resource Management (Blog 1)

Human Resource Management

We can define Human Resource Management as a planned approach to manage people effectively and efficiently to perform the organisation's goals and objectives. It brings out the important values of trust, care, teamwork, encouragement and development to meet the principle of being a good employer and thereby motivating staff to give their best to achievements. The purpose of staff relationship is important to ensure the effective communication between management and staff union to secure maximum cooperation.

According to Armstrong (2006), Basically the terms of human resource management is a description of the processes involved in managing people in organizations and it is a strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization. Employees are the people who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of organisation.

Human resource management ensures the most effective and efficient use of human capabilities to accomplishing the goals of an organization, In order to utilize and manage the human resource of an organization in successfully to achieve organizational objectives (Tanuja, 2007).

People and Organisations

Humans are social beings who consciously or unconsciously are always in interaction with other people and they are continually planning, developing, and managing their relationship with others. From an early age people gain knowledge and experience on understanding each other and the way people behave in certain situations. However, dealing with people is probably the most difficult thing we will ever face and not a single person thinks, feels, sees, hears, tastes, understands and behaves the same way and every one of us unique with different set of morals, beliefs and values (Zorlu, 2009). People defined as the individuals who are filled with knowledge, experiences, capabilities, skills, creativity and innovativeness. These elements are connected and collectively contribute to success in work (Fida, 2009).

Organisations are depending on people and there can be no organization without people. Organisations are created with rules and resources and enacted by people. The nature of organisations is a result of people’s actions and organisation’s behavior reflects people’s psychological, cultural, political and social characteristics. People are the most important assets of an organization. HRM can be a useful function in building this people and organizational bond which sustaining the survival organisation . It is very important that organisations should see their employees as valuable assets (Zorlu, 2009).

Combination of People and organization is ensure an innovative approach and recognizes the value of employee inputs. This combination is strongly recommended to improve the workplace environment, communication and creation of shared value. It is essential to understand that People in Organisation is an important part of our daily lives (schools, universities, hospitals, places of worship, local government, etc.). 

Considering all above aspects,we can define the HRM as a useful function in building the bond between people and organization by sustaining inward investment in organisations and also it is not only to match the organisational needs, but also the values of its employees. The responsibility of the employment is mostly given to the HRM functions and it is a set of policies and procedures that regulate the relationship between the employee and the organisation.


  • Armstrong, M. (2006) 'A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice', 10th edn., London, Kogan Page, p. 3.
  • Tanuja, A. (2007) 'Strategic Human Resource Management', 1st edn., Oxford university press, pp. 2-3. [online] Available at: [Accessed on: 05 August 2018].
  • Zorlu, S. (2009) 'Managing the Human Resource in the 21st Century', pp. 7-13. [online] Available at: [Accessed on: 05 August 2018].
  • Fida, A. (2009) 'Leveraging human capital and value creation by combining HRM and
    KM initiatives', International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, vol. 6, pp. 202–213.